New York State Law

Penal Law

PENAL Law Search Results

Penal Law - Search Results

Search results for: fraud

25 results found.

INSURANCE FRAUD, Definition, Insurance Policy, Aggravated Insurance Fraud...
Score: 486
HEALTH CARE FRAUD, Definitions, Affirmative Defense
Score: 391
RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE FRAUD, Definitions, Prosecution, Limitation on Prosecution...
Score: 379
WELFARE FRAUD, Definitions, Limitation, Presumption
Score: 325
GUIDE to Criminal Offenses in the New York State Penal Code
Score: 294
FRAUDS ON CREDITORS, Insolvency, Mortgageged Property...
Score: 233
FRAUDS, Definitions, Bad Check, False Personation, Impersonation, Usury, Defraud, Identity Theft, Personal ID Information, Grand Larceny...
Score: 212
Guide to Class A Misdemeanors in New York State Penal Law. Misdemeanor is a sentence of imprisonment in excess of 15 days may be imposed, but not in excess of 1 year.
Score: 190
TITLE K - OFFENSES INVOLVING FRAUD, Forgery, Bribery, False Written Statements, Articles: 170, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 185, 187, 190.
Score: 168
A guide to Class C non- violent Felonies in the New York State Penal Law. 'Felony' means an offense for which a sentence to a term of imprisonment in excess of one year may be imposed.
Score: 124
A guide to Class E Non Violent Felonies in the New York State Penal Law. 'Felony' means an offense for which a sentence to a term of imprisonment in excess of one year may be imposed.
Score: 123
A guide to Class B non-violent Felonies in the New York State Penal Law. 'Felony' means an offense for which a sentence to a term of imprisonment in excess of one year may be imposed.
Score: 121
A guide to Class D Felonies in the New York State Penal Law. 'Felony' means an offense for which a sentence to a term of imprisonment in excess of one year may be imposed.
Score: 91
GAMBLING OFFENSES, Definitions, Promoting, Presumptions, Defenses
Score: 73
Score: 71
Penal Law Popular Search Terms. Top 20 Most Actively Searched Terms in the New York Penal Law Code
Score: 59
ENTERPRISE CORRUPTION, Definitions, Limitations, Forfeiture, Jurisdiction, Prosecution...
Score: 41
Penal Law Active Law Articles. Top 25 Most Viewed Articles in the New York Penal Law Code
Score: 40
NY Penal Law Index - General Provisions, Sentences, Specific Offenses, Administrative Provisions
Score: 35
SPECIFIC OFFENSES - PART 3, Theft, Fraud, Public Order...
Score: 33
TITLE J - OFFENSES INVOLVING THEFT, Larceny, Fraud, Robbery...
Score: 33
Score: 31
DEFINITION OF LAW TERMS and Legal Definitions for the Penal Law.
Score: 13
Full searchable text of all offenses for the criminal code of the New York State Penal Law.
Score: 8
DEFINITION OF LAW TERMS and Legal Definitions. Terms defined as per the laws listed - CPL, PEN, VTL
Score: 7

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