New York State Law

Penal Law

PENAL Law Search Results

Penal Law - Search Results

Search results for: "grand larceny"

12 results found.

LARCENY, Definition, Larceny Defenses, No Defense, Value of Property, Petit Larceny, Grand Larceny, Aggravated Grand Larceny...
Score: 917
FRAUDS, Definitions, Bad Check, False Personation, Impersonation, Usury, Defraud, Identity Theft, Personal ID Information, Grand Larceny...
Score: 429
GUIDE, New York Penal Law Hate Crime - Specified Offenses
Score: 263
Penal Law Popular Search Terms. Top 20 Most Actively Searched Terms in the New York Penal Law Code
Score: 176
GUIDE to Criminal Offenses in the New York State Penal Code
Score: 163
HATE CRIMES, Legislative Findings, Specified Sentencing...
Score: 154
CORRUPTING THE GOVERNMENT, Definitions, Public Corruption, Sentencing...
Score: 153
ENTERPRISE CORRUPTION, Definitions, Limitations, Forfeiture, Jurisdiction, Prosecution...
Score: 135
A guide to Class B non-violent Felonies in the New York State Penal Law. 'Felony' means an offense for which a sentence to a term of imprisonment in excess of one year may be imposed.
Score: 133
A guide to Class D Felonies in the New York State Penal Law. 'Felony' means an offense for which a sentence to a term of imprisonment in excess of one year may be imposed.
Score: 101
A guide to Class C non- violent Felonies in the New York State Penal Law. 'Felony' means an offense for which a sentence to a term of imprisonment in excess of one year may be imposed.
Score: 92
A guide to Class E Non Violent Felonies in the New York State Penal Law. 'Felony' means an offense for which a sentence to a term of imprisonment in excess of one year may be imposed.
Score: 91

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